• 国际精品舞台魔术展演


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    安卡和卢卡Anca & Lucca(奥地利)
    安卡和卢卡是一对心灵魔术双人组,是新晋心灵魔术世界冠军和历史上获得世界魔术大会和欧洲魔术冠军赛奖项最多的读心术组合。他们不仅把对魔术的热爱带到舞台上,还把自己的爱情故事和奇特的相遇融入表演中。他们彻底改变了读心术这种艺术。他们用六种语言在全球各地的企业活动、剧院和电视上表演。安卡和卢卡不断重新定义自己的艺术界限,向观众展示独具特色的原创读心术、洞察力和心灵感应特技,带给观众瞠目结舌的惊奇体验。他们用戏剧的方式来呈现自己的幻术,给观众带来全新观感体验。他们曾斩获无数殊荣,如FISM 2022 世界魔术大会心灵魔术世界冠军、2015至2022年历届心灵魔术欧洲副冠军、2017心灵魔术欧洲冠军等。
    As the new world champion of mentalism and the mind reader duo who has won more championships than anybody else in FISM and European Magic Competitions, Anca and Lucca not only bring their passion for magic to the stage, but also present their own love story and the very special encounter in their performance. They completely changed the art of mind reading. They perform in six languages at corporate events, theaters, and on television around the world. Anca and Lucca constantly redefine their artistic boundaries and showcase their unique and original mind reading skills, insights, and telepathy stunts to the audience, providing a stunning and surprising experience. They perform their illusions like a drama, bringing a new visual experience to the audience. They have won honors such as the 2022 FISM World Champion of Mentalism, European Vice Champion of Mentalism from 2015 to 2022, and the 2017 European Magic Champion of Mentalism.
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    弗洛里安·桑维特Florian Sainvet法国
    弗洛里安·桑维特出生于法国,16岁时开始表演魔术。他酷爱科幻电影,将自己的职业定位为一名带有未来主义色彩的幻术师和手彩魔术师。他致力于创作具有独特科幻色彩的手彩类节目,创造出了惟有自己知晓秘密的新魔术技巧。弗洛里安在世界各地上演自己的节目“幻术大师”,参加过一档名为《惊天魔盗团》的中国电视节目并在中国进行巡演,与拉斯维加斯的太阳马戏团签订了一年合约来表演他的原创节目。凭借严谨缜密的精神和对魔术的无限钟爱,弗洛里安两次荣获法国冠军,2018年获得世界手彩类魔术世界冠军,三次进军法国达人秀决赛。他还曾获得过Ali Bongo奖杯、2016最佳年轻魔术师称号以及2020金风茄魔术节世界最佳手彩类魔术师等殊荣。
    Florian Sainvet was born in France and began performing magic at the age of 16. Due to his love for science fiction movies, he positioned his career as a futuristic illusionist and manipulator. He is committed to creating manipulating programs with a unique Sci-fi style and creates new techniques that only he knows the secrets! Florian has performed his show "Fantasy Master" around the world and participated in a Chinese TV program called "Now You See me" and toured in China. He once signed a one-year contract with Cirque Du Soleil in Las Vegas to perform his original show. Due to his rigor and love for magic, Florian has won two French championships, World Manipulation Magic Championship in 2018, and made it to the finals of the French Got Talent Show three times. He has also won the Ali Bongo Trophy, Best Young Magician of 2016, and the 2020 Mandrake d’or Magic Award as the best manipulator.
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    查理·弗莱Charlie Frye (美国
    Charlie Frye has performed magic in over 40 countries for over 40 years and appeared on television in over 20 countries, known for his performances that blend magic, acrobatics, and body comedy. Charlie Frye was initially a clown who performed with his father and grandfather. Later, he joined the circus and met a ballet dancer, Sherry, who became his wife. Charlie Frye and Sherry created a classic and novel performance together, comically capturing one of the saddest scenes in the world: a man trying to please a woman who doesn't care about him. This is a classic comedy and also a classic performance of acrobatics. This program fully showcases Charlie Frye's endless talent, and it is also the result of the couple's years of hard work and continuous improvement and polishing of their performance. Charlie Frye has won the Kendall Comedy Award in the UK, the Excellence Award from the International Association of Magicians, and the Performance Award from Hollywood Magic Castle, and has become an honorary member of the London Magic Circle.
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    玛格·杨克 Mago Yunke(西班牙
    The artistic style of magician YUNKE from Spain is known for his "power" and "grandeur". He came to China in 2013 and 2019 to participate in an international magic tour. He has also participated in the FISM three times: Lisbon in 2000, Busan in 2019, and Quebec in 2022.
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    Asian magician and internet celebrity Eden has performed in Japan, Dubai, the United States, and Busan. His performances have received high praise from the industry. The program he is going to perform this time is the magic of manipulating cards and balls, presented with high difficulty techniques, trendy original techniques, and intense music coordination. His first performance of this program was at the FISM, known as the "Magic Olympics," which earned him second place in the manipulation category. He also won first place in the South Korea’s BIMF "People's Choice Award" in 2021,Asian Award in FISM, and South Korea’s BIMF Guest Award. In addition to being recognized and awarded by the industry, Eden also has a large number of fans on the Internet. He has more than 1.2 million fans on Tiktok and 220000 fans on Instagram.
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    菲利贝托·塞尔维Filiberto Selvi意大利
    意大利魔术师菲利贝托·塞尔维将幻术、音乐和戏剧融入自己的演出,带来引人入胜和惊喜连连的表演。他的作品旨在将音乐的魔力呈现在舞台上,营造令观众难以忘怀的瞬间。菲利贝托最知名的节目是《小提琴》,讲述了一个街头小提琴手的故事,他通过表演艺术谋生,在一天结束时感悟到了音乐的价值。菲利贝托将音乐和视觉效果合二为一,将魔法和神秘情感融为一体,打造了一个值得体验的特色魔术节目。年仅17岁的他凭借《小提琴》一跃成为意大利魔术冠军。2021年,他斩获了瑞士代格斯海姆魔术比赛的冠军头衔。2022年,他成为FISM世界魔术大会Victor Balli奖得主。他在世界各地的重要舞台上表演,如伦敦魔术圈,这是世界上最重要的魔术表演场所之一,大卫·科波菲尔和查尔斯国王多年来一直是其活跃成员。此外,他还多次在西班牙的Magialdia艺术节和FISM世界魔术大会上与全球最伟大的魔术大师们同台演出。
    Italian magician Filiberto Selvi combined magic, music, and drama in his performance, captivating and surprising the audience. His works aim to create performances that bring the magic of music onto the stage, allowing the audience to experience unforgettable moments. Filiberto's most famous program is "Violin", which tells the story of a street violinist who makes a living through art and will understand the value of music at the end of the day. Combining music and visual effects and Mingling magic and mysterious emotions blend together, Selvi provides a unique magic program which definitely worth experiencing. At the age of 17, he has become the Italian magic champion with his program “violin”. In 2021, he became the champion of the Swiss magic competition in Degersheim. He is the winner of the Victor Balli Award at FISM in 2022. He performs on important stages around the world such as the London Magic Circle, which is one of the most important magic venues in the world. David Copperfield and King Charles have been active members for many years. In addition, he has also performed multiple times with the world's greatest magicians at the Magialdia Art Festival and FISM in Spain.


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    拉蒙和阿丽西亚Ramó & Alegría西班牙
    拉蒙和阿丽西亚来自遥远的西班牙,他们一起创作了一个与众不同的节目。节目持续十分钟,舞台上充满了两人的喜剧争斗,打破了魔术师和助演的角色定位和刻板印象,用最出人意料的魔术手法处理荒谬可笑的局面。这个魔术表演不同寻常,充满调皮色彩,注重原创和喜剧性。他们于2019年开始在西班牙表演这个节目。过去两年来,他们在全球数个魔术节以及达人秀和Penn & Teller“愚弄我们”等知名电视栏目露面。他们曾先后斩获2019年西班牙CNM创作类魔术一等奖和幻术类魔术一等奖,2021年FISM世界魔术大会欧洲舞台幻术魔术和创作奖,2022年FISM世界魔术大会喜剧类二等奖和创作奖。
    Ramó and Alegría come all the way from Spain and together they create a unique program. In ten minutes, the stage is filled with comedy battles between the two, breaking the role positioning and stereotypes of magicians and assistants, and using the most unexpected magic to handle absurd and hilarious situations. This is a very unusual and mischievous magic performance, emphasizing originality and comedy. They began performing this program in Spain in 2019. In the past two years, they have participated in several magic festivals around the world, as well as famous TV programs such as the Got Talent Show and Penn&Teller's "Fool Us". They won first prize in the 2019 Spanish CNM magic competition in the category of innovative magic and first prize in the category of illusion. In 2021, they won the prize in stage illusion and creation in FISM Europe. In 2022, they won second prize in FISM in the comedy category as well as the Creation Award.
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    莉亚·凯尔Léa Kyle(法国
    Léa Kyle is a French magician who excels in quick-change. With a passion for both magic and sewing, she decided to combine these two hobbies into her program. She has participated in many television programs, such as the Allen Show and Penn and Teller's "Fool Us". In the America Got talent show, the judges pressed the golden buzzer for her and she ultimately achieved fifth place in the final. She has also participated in many performances, such as the Luxor Hotel Show in Las Vegas and the European Tour. She won the Champion of the 2019 French Magic Competition, Vice Champion of the 2021 European Magic Competition, Fooler Trophy from “Fool us” TV show in 2020, Top Five of the 2021 America Got Talent Show( with a Gold Buzzer),Allen Show of 2022, and Best Quick Change Award of the 2020 Mandrake d’or.
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    Zhu Mingzhu is a member of the Magic Art Committee of the Chinese Acrobats Association and is certificated for the333 high-level talents from Jiangsu Province.
    The program he will present to us is “Paper Plane”, inspired by a dream of flying. The magician's breath seemed to endow paper airplanes with magic. Various colorful paper airplanes soar in the audience's laughter, with different flight trajectories, rotating, circling, landing, and crossing beautiful curves, outlining an extremely special visual sense. In 2018, "Paper Plane" won the silver award for the performance of the "Golden Great Wall Cup" World Magic Champion at the 4th Beijing International Magic Conference in China. In 2017, Paper Plane became the only program in Chinese Mainland that won the entrance ticket to the FISM. In 2018, “Paper Plane” ranked sixth in the stage magic category in FISM. Zhu has also won the 10th “Best Magic program” of Golden Chrysanthemum Prize, the first place in the 15th AMA Magic Championship, and two awards at the same time in 28th FISM: the third prize in the category of general magic as well as the Invention Prize.
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